Togolese government forced to reduce 2018 budget, slightly

Public finance
Tuesday, 29 May 2018 13:47
Togolese government forced to reduce 2018 budget, slightly

(Togo First) - Last Friday, Togo’s ministers’ council announced that 2018 budget was reduced by 1%, from CFA1,318,500,000,000 to CFA1,308,134,862,000.

This is due to the sociopolitical crisis that has been affecting the Togolese economy since the second half of 2017. Moreover, there are claims of education workers, an increase of subsidies to the universities of Lomé and Kara, among others. “Looking at the many needs to satisfy, paired with difficulties to raise internal resources, the government deemed necessary to streamline public expenditures, and thus amend 2018 budget which is being elaborated, the council said.

With this in mind, President Faure Gnassingbé instructed each department “to be available and study projects submitted by local and international private sectors, so as to significantly raise private investment’s contribution to the economy”.

Fiacre E. Kakpo

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