Togo reaches new enrollment record in primary education, 94%

Public Management
Thursday, 05 August 2021 15:52
Togo reaches new enrollment record in primary education, 94%

(Togo First) - In recent years, the rate of enrollment in Togolese primary schools reached 94%, placing the nation among the WAEMU States with the highest schooling rate. 

In that economic community, Togo has the highest completion rate in primary education: 89%. 

In detail, schooling rates in kindergarten, primary and junior high school currently stand at 37.2% (from 15.8%), 94.3% (from 86.5%), and 51.7% (from 37%), respectively.

The improvements, say Togolese authorities, are due to several projects and programs such as the exemption of school fees, School Assur, and school canteens. Moreover, the government recently suppressed registration fees for national exams. 

By 2030, Lomé plans to consolidate its achievements with the help of national and multilateral partners like UNICEF and the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).

Esaïe Edoh

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