Togo: Greater Lomé Autonomous District Launches a One-Year Awareness Campaign on Waste Management

Public Management
Thursday, 24 August 2023 13:52
Togo: Greater Lomé Autonomous District Launches a One-Year Awareness Campaign on Waste Management

(Togo First) - The Greater Lomé Autonomous District (DAGL) is running an awareness campaign on waste management. Launched on August 23, the project ends next year, in July. It is connected to phase 3 of the Lomé Urban Environment Project (PEUL III).

Broadly, the awareness campaign aims to urge the people of the Greater Lomé region to adopt environmentally-friendly behaviors. Among others, the campaign will focus on better communication on the DAGL’s major activities to improve solid waste management in urban areas. It will also promote best practices and behavioral change among the capital's population. The approach will also take into account the improvement of urban hygiene, thanks to the environmental and social security of the former Agoè-Nyivé landfill site.

Under the campaign, the DAGL’s Secretariat plans for TV and radio broadcasts, video projection campaigns, publications in the print and online media, and guided tours of the Aképé landfill site. Targeting Neighborhood Development Committees (CDQ), there will also be workshops enhancing good waste management practices.

The French Development Agency, AFD, backed the whole campaign with CFA100 million. 

Esaïe Edoh

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