Assembly passes law to protect coastline

Public Management
Tuesday, 25 May 2021 16:37
Assembly passes law to protect coastline

(Togo First) - Last Thursday, the Togolese parliament voted a law to protect and valorize the coastline, in a context where it is endangered by natural and human factors. 

The law, deputies said, aims to sustain environmental balance, slow erosion, preserve the integrity of some sites, as well as landscapes and marine heritage. It should also protect the coast against pollution and degradation, regardless of its origin. 

Commenting on the law, Yawa Tsegan, President of the National Assembly, said it should “ensure a sustainable development and preserve and leverage the country’s riches.” The latter, she adds, are the sources of Togo’s economic attractiveness, as well as of its social and cultural development.

For his part, Edem Tengue, Minister of Maritime Economy, said “the law opens up the path for the government to act against threats facing the coastline”

Over the past 10 years, the sea has gulped a significant part of Togolese coast. A study conducted in 2015, by the West African Coastal Observation Mission (WACOM), reported that the coast’s withdrawal was about 20 m per year, at key beaches such as the Baguida-Katanga beach, Agbavi and Doèvikopé.

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