Togo hosts international conference on grassroots development

Public Management
Friday, 30 July 2021 12:46
Togo hosts international conference on grassroots development

(Togo First) - Lomé is currently hosting a two-day international conference on grassroots development. The meeting, which focuses on public policies benefiting grassroots populations, and began on July 29, is an initiative of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). 

The conference was opened by Togo’s PM Victoire Tomegah-Dogbe, Mario Pezzini, director of the OECD development center, and Myriam Dossou-d’Almeida, minister of grassroots development. 

Development experts, officials, and administrators participating in the event, physically and virtually, will discuss various experiences acquired relative to grassroots development.  

Togo, let’s highlight, made social inclusion one of the pillars of its government roadmap. In this framework, it has, over the past few years, introduced a battery of reforms and development policies to support grassroots communities. These efforts are coordinated by the ministry of grassroots development, youth and youth employment. 

Klétus Situ

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