Togo Brings ID Cards to Women Vendors at Adawlato Market

Public services
Thursday, 13 March 2025 15:33
Togo Brings ID Cards to Women Vendors at Adawlato Market

(Togo First) - The Togolese government is taking a bold step to empower women entrepreneurs. On March 11, 2025, a mobile ID operation kicked off at Adawlato Market, issuing national identity cards to female vendors. This initiative, led by the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection in partnership with EPAM, brings essential services directly to informal sector workers.

The campaign, running until March 13, slashes the wait time for ID cards from 15 days to just 48 hours. Somialo Potcholi-Kadja, EPAM’s Managing Director, emphasized, “This initiative simplifies access to vital documents and boosts women’s participation in formal banking.”

By 2022, only 460,000 Togolese women had national ID cards, compared to 866,000 men. This gap hinders their access to bank loans, digital services, and international trade. The government is determined to close this gap and unlock economic opportunities for women.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi


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