Disarmament in Africa: Togo could host an international seminar this year

Thursday, 06 April 2023 14:45
Disarmament in Africa: Togo could host an international seminar this year

(Togo First) - By the end of 2023, Togo could host an international seminar on disarmament in Africa. The seminar was announced, Tuesday, by the African Union's High Representative for Arms Reduction, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, who is currently visiting Lomé. 

The seminar, whose details are to be worked out with the government, will enable significant advances in the implementation of the continental disarmament agenda. 

"It is urgent to recover the small arms circulating in our West African and Sahelian space and throughout the continent. These weapons pose a real threat to peace and security in Africa, especially in the current context marked by a surge in terrorism," the African Union executive told the press on Tuesday. 

He also announced a strong partnership between the African Union and the United Nations. 

As a reminder, Togo, which hosts the regional headquarters of the United Nations Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa (UNREC), served as the launch point for Amnesty Month. In 2022, the country destroyed over 1,500 seized small arms.

Octave Bruce 

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