Togo Launches Study for Urban Water Security Project in Greater Lomé Area

Wednesday, 17 July 2024 17:10
Togo Launches Study for Urban Water Security Project in Greater Lomé Area

(Togo First) - Togo has launched hydrogeological studies in Greater Lomé as part of the Togo Urban Water Security Project (PaSH-MUT). The studies will be conducted by Quantum, a subsidiary of the Saretec Group.

Last week, during a meeting with the Minister of Water and Village Hydraulics, Quantum executives announced they will search for, extract, and preserve groundwater in the Togolese capital. The firm will also assess the risk of groundwater contamination and determine waterproofing needs.

The studies will pave the way for implementing PaSH-MUT, which aims to create autonomous drinking water supply systems in the outlying areas of Lomé.

The World Bank backs the project with $100 million (CFA60 billion). The latter aims to extend access to drinking water in Greater Lomé and boost the national coverage rate to 85% by 2025 and 100% by 2030.

Quantum has operations in 15 African countries.

Esaïe Edoh

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