Togo: US Ambassador Announces Upcoming Investments Totaling $4M

Monday, 03 July 2023 07:44
Togo: US Ambassador Announces Upcoming Investments Totaling $4M

(Togo First) - On June 27, 2023, the US Ambassador to Togo, Elizabeth Fitzsimmons, announced two new investments in Togo during the early celebrations of the 247th anniversary of US independence. 

The first investment-$3 million-will help local organizations fight food insecurity in northern Togo. "We are pleased to announce the provision of three million dollars, to help combat food insecurity in northern Togo," Fitzsimmons declared.

The second investment-$1 million-will finance the Togolese Federation of Disabled Persons' Associations. “Our goal is to enhance the resilience of young people and women with disabilities, and facilitate their adaptation to climate change,” the US official said.

Besides the announcements, Ambassador Fitzsimmons highlighted strong partnerships between the US and Togolese armed forces. She also announced that Togo has been included in the US presidential initiative against malaria since April–an initiative that will support Togo's most vulnerable citizens via a $12 million financing package.

Additionally, the ambassador stated that the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is set to provide Togo with a funding program to boost the digital and electricity sectors, worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Fitzsimmons concluded by revealing that several US universities are eager to collaborate with Togolese higher education institutions, reflecting the ongoing commitment of the US towards Togo. 

Some of the Togolese officials present during the announcement included Cina Lawson, Minister of the Digital Economy and Transformation, Komla Dodzi Kokoroko, Minister of Primary, Secondary and Technical Education and Handicrafts, and Myriam Dossou, Minister of Grassroots Development, Youth, and Youth Employment.

Fiacre E. Kakpo

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