Togo: Court of Audit approves its gender strategy

Thursday, 23 November 2023 16:45
Togo: Court of Audit approves its gender strategy

(Togo First) - In a bid to bolster its commitment to gender equality, the Court of Audit of Togo recently validated in Lomé a "gender strategy" and an associated action plan for the period 2024-2026.

The strategy and plan were greenlit on November 21, with the support of GIZ, the German cooperation, as part of the "Good financial governance" project. The latter is aimed at strengthening financial governance in Togo.

This strategy should help better integrate gender issues within the institution, by improving women's technical and professional skills. It involves integrating the gender dimension into performance verification criteria for the audit of public finances.

Incidentally, the institution is a member of the CREFIAF or Conseil régional de formation des institutions supérieures de contrôle des finances publiques d'Afrique francophone subsaharienne. The CREFIAF’s gender strategy was adopted by the African Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (AFROSAI) in 2018. A previous strategic plan (2021-2025) already incorporated the objectives of AFROSAI's gender strategy.

The newly adopted gender strategy is also set in a more global context, as Togo experiments with gender-sensitive budgeting.

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