Togo: AFD backs waste-recycling project with €200,000

Monday, 24 October 2022 09:58
Togo: AFD backs waste-recycling project with €200,000

(Togo First) - After Mahajanga (Madagascar), Dschang (Cameroon), and Bouaké (Ivory Coast), Lomé is the latest city to benefit from Africompost, a waste-recycling project that is financed by the French Development Agency (AFD). 

This week, AFD said it pumped €200,000 (over CFA 131 million) into the project. In effect, the project involves setting up new facilities for improving the treatment and recycling of Lomé’s waste. The town, let’s emphasize, produces around 350,000 t of domestic waste every year.

While the money will be provided to Gelavor, the French NGO that implements the project, the new composting facilities will be managed by civil society organizations (CSOs). The latter will sensitize the population and sell compost, and other transformed products such as plastic cups and paving stones, to local farmers.

The commune of Lomé is a partner in the project, and ENPRO, an association created in 1999 is the local operator in charge of pre-collecting the waste and its composting. 

The Africompost project will be carried out over three years.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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