(Togo First) - Just like in 2018, Togo recorded major achievements in its digital industry over the past year. The following are the key highlights of the country’s realizations in this sector.
Cina Lawson, who previously held the title of minister of posts and digital economy, becomes the minister of posts, digital economy, and technological innovations. The added attribute allows the official to promote tech innovations as well as the installation of tech hubs.
Lomé launches a tender in line with the privatization of Togocom
The government decides to privatize Togocom, by selling part of its stake in the holding. Lomé subsequently launches an international tender to select a strategic partner in the framework of this process.
General meeting marking the beginning of the Carrier Hotel’s construction
Three weeks after the laying of the first stone of this data center, authorities hold a meeting to launch related works. This markets the start of fifteen months of works, at a cost of XOF12.2 billion - fully financed by the World Bank.
Togo Telecom’s license is renewed, till 2036
The council of ministers endorses Cina Lawson to sign the decree renewing the license of Togo Telecom, the public landline company. The license will expire on December 36, 2036.
Togo puts in place a National Cybersecurity Agency (ANCY)
About two weeks after the parliament adopts a law to foster cybersecurity and fight cybercrime, the government releases details about the ANCY - the new national agency for cybersecurity. A decree setting its attributes, structure, and functioning, is also passed.
Government launches a mobile-based platform to ensure sustainable access to drinking water in rural areas
SOFIE stands for “Suivi des Ouvrages de Forage et des Indicateurs pour l’Eau”. The government launches this project to ensure permanent and sustainable access to clean water in rural zones, through realtime monitoring of wells. Leveraging mobile phones, the project helps quickly detect and locate, and fix faulty wells.
Togo and two others launch the world’s first impact fund using blended finance to invest in companies that use new technologies
Bamboo Capital Partners, Moeda Seeds Bank, and the government of Togo, announce the launch of the BLOC Fund, at the African CEO Forum in Kigali. BLOC is the first impact fund in the world which uses blended finance to exclusively invest in companies that use new technologies, in particular, blockchain, to benefit the low- and middle-income populations in emerging markets.
Lomé partners Asseco Data Systems, to set up Cyber Defense Africa
In Kigali, still, the government teams up with Asseco Data Systems, a polish IT firm, to set up Cyber Defense Africa. This is a joint-venture that will enable the creation of a national center of security operations (SOC), and of computer emergency response team - a first in any African country.
The capital hosts the fourth Digital African Tour
For the fourth consecutive year, Togo hosts this regional forum dedicated to digital transformation. Topics covered at the event include digital professions, access to broadband internet, e-payment, and cybersecurity.
The “Connected Community of Tomorrow” (Communauté Connectée de Demain) project is launched
Launched by the government, BBOXX, EDF, CEET, and Togo Cellulaire, this project aims to set up small power plants in rural areas, mostly. Benefiting communities, 315 overall, should through the initiative, have access to telecoms networks and relative services.
Customer service organization, Majorel, opens a subsidiary in Togo
This firm, which operates in more than 30 countries, worldwide, opens an office in Togo and says it hopes to hire 500 young Togolese by 2021.
Telecom regulator ARCEP inaugurates its new headquarters
Located in Lomé, the new headquarters of the Togolese Regulatory Organ for Posts and Telecommunications (ARCEP) is inaugurated after 60 months of works. XOF2.2 billion was spent to build the facility.
The government partners CFAO Group and Toyota Tsusho Corporation to boost its administration
Togo signed at the TICAD 7, a memorandum of understanding with CFAO Group and its parent company. Besides reinforcing its administration, the document aims at helping the West African economy develop clean energies.
The law on the protection of personal data is adopted
Adopted by the parliament, this law fills a gap and is based on global standards.
Togo speeds up the adoption of terrestrial television, DTT
Deputies adopt a bill on broadcasting and pull a key lever to adopt DTT. At the same time, the creation of a public company to handle the digital signal broadcasting is announced.
Agou Holding acquires the government’s 51% stake in Togocom
The consortium’s bid was selected by the government in the framework of the tender launched at the beginning of the year. Agou Holding which regroups Axian Group and Emerging Capital Partner (ECP), thus takes over the public holding, at the time valorized at more than XOF210 billion. The consortium says it will spend about XOF160 billion in the country’s digital sector, over the next seven years.
Jack Ma in Togo
The founder of the gigantic e-commerce platform, Alibaba, meets around 20 young African leaders in Lomé, as well as with some Togolese officials. He talks about the digital revolution and investment strategies in the e-commerce industry.
The e-gouv project is transferred to the Digital Infrastructure Company (Société des Infrastructures Numériques - SIN)
The government, by decree, sets up the SIN, to which it transfers the responsibility to manage its e-gouv project.
Octave A. Bruce