Pierre Antoine Legagneur Appointed as the New CEO of TogoCom

Thursday, 13 July 2023 11:07
Pierre Antoine Legagneur Appointed as the New CEO of TogoCom

(Togo First) - Pierre Antoine Legagneur is TogoCom’s new boss. He took over from Tarik Boudiaf, who had been acting as interim CEO since Paulin Alazard's resignation in August 2022. The rumor was confirmed last Friday by the Axian Group, which holds 51% of TogoCom.

"I am pleased to announce the appointment of Pierre-Antoine Legagneur as CEO of TogoCom. I am convinced that he will bring real added value to the Togolese market," announced Stéphane Oudin, CEO of AXIAN Telecom.

Legagneur, a telecommunications expert, was previously a director at TELCO OI, a telecom operator belonging to the Axian group (like TogoCom), active in the French departments of Réunion and Mayotte.

His experience will certainly be useful to TogoCom, especially amidst the local regulator’s criticisms against the operator–criticisms resulting from the merger of Togocel and Togo Telecom. The watchdog, ARCEP, even imposed TogoCom a CFA2.3 billion fine in 2021.

More recently, on May 31, 2023, the ARCEP issued a formal notice against Togo Cellulaire (the "mobile" branch of TogoCom) and Moov Africa-Togo, the two mobile telephone operators present in Togo, for "serious breaches of their service quality obligations."

Resolving the situation and strengthening the group’s position in the Togolese telephony market are thus the main challenges that the French citizen will have to address.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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