Affoh Atcha-Dedji, MD Togocellulaire, now heads TogoCom

Wednesday, 24 January 2018 10:57
Affoh Atcha-Dedji, MD Togocellulaire, now heads TogoCom

(Togo First) - Atcha-Dédji, managing director of state-run telecom firm Togocellulaire was recently appointed as the new head of the telecom holding TogoCom.

Also, Col. Gnama Latta, managing director of the national civil aviation agency, was named chairman of TogoCom, thus replacing Taïrou Bagbiegue.

Created on July 13, 2017 by a decree falling in the framework of the major transformation and upgrade program launched within Togotélécom, TogoCom has a social capital of CFA1 billion and defines the strategic orientations of the group. It sets goals for all the latter’s subsidiaries (which it fully own) and is in charge of their performances.

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