Togo could soon have its first film-making private university

Monday, 04 November 2019 18:49
Togo could soon have its first film-making private university

(Togo First) - On October 17, 2019, Joël Aboflan, Managing Director of Aldus Multi-Services, a Togolese institute that provides ICT training, signed with Guo Fan, CEO of Dafc Frameking Pictures, a Chinese broadcasting company, a memorandum of understanding.

Under the MoU, the Chinese firm committed to building in Togo an international film-making private university, the first of its kind to be built by China in Africa.
The university will have a shooting campus, a film and tv institute, a tourism park, multiple studios, a decoration area, an artificial desert, and river.

According to Guo Fan, each year, the university should attract 400,000 to 500,000 visitors, and offer training that should result in the creation of 700 direct jobs and 1,000 indirect ones.

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