Togo: Applications to the second edition of the Presidential Excellence Programme for the PND are now opened

Wednesday, 06 November 2019 16:28
Togo: Applications to the second edition of the Presidential Excellence Programme for the PND are now opened

(Togo First) - The government seeks 40 Togolese students from the Universities of Lomé, Kara, and UCAO to take part in the second edition of the presidential excellence programme for the national development plan (PPEP).

The scheme mainly is targeting training the youth to reinforce the country's administration.

Selected students will work on projects that align with the national development plan (PND), in addition to being coached by former consultants of advising firms. At the end of the program, they will work for the government for three years, at various positions key to the PND's implementation.

Students interested in taking part in the program have until November 23, 2019, to apply on the dedicated platform. It is free.

To contact us: c o n t a c t [@] t o g o f i r s t . c o m

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