SODIGAZ enters car concession market

Tuesday, 03 April 2018 16:26
SODIGAZ enters car concession market

(Togo First) - Aklesso Daou, owner of Sodigaz, has decided to enter the car concession market and will deal with  CHEVROLET and ISUZU brands.

The businessman trusted this new department to Diwa International which up till now was specialized in the distribution of lubricants used in the sectors of industry, transport, marine and mines, reported.

The new concessionaire opened a showroom in Lomé where potential customers desiring to purchase cars, small and heavy trucks of those two brands, will have satisfaction.

Besides, these customers will also have access to spare parts and engines suited to the terrain. By entering this sector, Sodigaz’s head continues his success story which began with gas production and distribution, consulting (Kapi Consult), and lubricant sales.

Let’s recall that Sodigaz is one of ten firms and economic structures selected by WAEMU under the Elite BRVM Lounge Programme. Via the latter, the firm should be able to list very soon. 

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