Covid-19: Togolese government develops app to trace incoming travelers

Monday, 13 July 2020 12:43
Covid-19: Togolese government develops app to trace incoming travelers

(Togo First) - To further mitigate the risk of Covid-19 spreading in the country through travelers, the Togolese government has enforced the use of the “Togo Safe” contact tracing app upon their arrival. They must keep the tool active throughout their stay or at least for 30 days, starting from the day they arrive in Togo.

The measure was disclosed in a circular issued by the National Agency for Civil Aviation (ANAC). 

Still, to reduce the risk of contagion, travelers must fill a health and immigration declaration form. Also, people who are traveling have to take PCR tests 72 hours before their flight. In this regard, the ANAC indicated that those who test positive to Covid-19 will be transferred to a health facility put in place by the government, at their own cost. 

Séna Akoda

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