More than 1,000t of freight processed at Lomé’s airport in the past two months

Monday, 18 May 2020 17:11
More than 1,000t of freight processed at Lomé’s airport in the past two months

(Togo First) - From March 20 to May 10, 2020, Lomé’s airport has processed more than 1,000 tons of freight, including about 73% in transit. 

The figures were revealed by Col. Dokissime Gnama Latta, director-general of the Lomé-Tokoin airport company (SALT), during a recent interview with RepublicOfTogo.

It appears therefore that as the airport’s passenger traffic fell due to the coronavirus pandemic (with no more commercial flights since March 20), it has adapted by “repositioning” on cargo flights and equipment supply. “Almost every day, cargo flights land in Lomé and head back full to other West African countries,” said the SALT’s director-general. According to reliable sources, the airport intends to reinforce its position on these segments even after the Covid-19 crisis. 

There are also “significant freight volumes conveyed to Brazil with the planes of Ethiopian Airlines” which remains a strategic partner of Togo even in these tough times.    

So far, no detail has been given regarding when activity at the airport of Lomé would resume. Meanwhile, Air France, the French airlines, recently said it would resume flights to Togo and other African countries. In this regard, the SALT’s management indicated that if this were to happen, it would not be done without a “dialogue or having the situation under control.”

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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