Togo: Reform related to driving license provision completed at 85%

Friday, 20 April 2018 18:00
Togo: Reform related to driving license provision completed at 85%

(Togo First) - On the sidelines of a press conference held April 18, the Road and Railway Transports Directorate (DTRF) revealed that the reform related to driving licence’s provision is 85% complete.

“Presently, this reform is at 85% of completion. Our goal is to prevent bribing when applying for a license, declared Délato Agbokpè (photo), head of DTRF.

Regarding the matriculation of bikes and cars, the process was automatized and now it can be done within two days, enabling more transparency and traceability in the process. “Every person buying a vehicle can have it registered, get the associated card and a plate, all within the said period, according to M. Agbokpè

“We are now proceeding to a clean-up of driving schools, ensuring that they have the required certifications to operate as optimally as they should, he added.

Séna Akoda

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