Togo: Lomé experiments privatization of parking spaces’ management

Monday, 29 January 2018 08:54
Togo: Lomé experiments privatization of parking spaces’ management

(Togo First) - According to a statement Central has been authorized to temporarily take charge of the technical management and exploitation of parking spaces in Lomé by Fongan Adegnon, president of the special delegation of Lomé.

For the time being, this contractual approach to the management of parking spaces is experimental. According to the statement, the reason for outsourcing the management of these public spaces to companies can be justified by the “need to find an adequate solution to the congestions and uncontrolled parking of vehicles and other machines”.

However, without regular communication and sensitization, incidents and misunderstandings can arise due to the fact that it is a private company which manages the parking spaces.

To avoid such situations, uncomfortable for the company in charge of the works and for the citizens of Lomé, Fongan Adegnon, invited the population to welcome the contractors warmly.

If those public spaces are properly managed, by the end of this experimental phase whose duration is yet to be specified, Lomé could favor such approach for the long term.

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