
Friday 15 March, 2024
Togo imported 52,568 tons of Thaï rice last year, according to the Ecofin Agency. This makes the country the tenth…

Monday 11 March, 2024
The second edition of the Agricultural Producers Forums (FoPAT) launched today, March 11. It ends next month, on April 12.…

Tuesday 13 February, 2024
Manuella Santos, Togo’s Minister of Investment Promotion, visited the headquarters of wax maker Koster Keunen West Africa last Friday, Feb.…

Monday 12 February, 2024
Last week, Togo secured three medals at the 2023 Cocoa of Excellence Awards in Amsterdam, Holland. The West African country…

Thursday 8 February, 2024
Togo recorded a fish output of 24,229 t in 2023. This is 30% more than in 2020 –18,658 t. The…

Wednesday 7 February, 2024
Togo should spend CFA19 billion on local environmental protection projects this year. The figure, a provisional budget, was set under…

Monday 5 February, 2024
Togo produced 70,000 t of cotton in the 2023-2024 season. The figure was reported by the country’s Cotton company, the…

Friday 26 January, 2024
Togo will invest CFA2 billion in fishing and aquaculture this year. That is almost 70% of the CFA3.1 billion budget…

Thursday 25 January, 2024
Togo stopped importing frozen poultry, temporarily. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, this is to help local producers…

Thursday 18 January, 2024
The government of Togo recently injected $1 million into a new sovereign insurance subscription for local farmers. The package covers the…

Monday 15 January, 2024
Togo plans to ratify the WTO’s fishing subsidy convention. On January 10, the Council of Ministers allowed the ministry of…

Thursday 21 December, 2023
A new project to support Togo’s rice sector was launched on Monday, Dec 18, in Lomé. The initiative, OCOP-TOGO, is…

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