Togo: General assembly of UEMOA Consular Chamber in progress in Lomé

Economic governance
Wednesday, 06 December 2023 19:10
Togo: General assembly of UEMOA Consular Chamber in progress in Lomé

(Togo First) - Lomé is hosting the 24th ordinary session of the General Assembly of the UEMOA Regional Consular Chamber, a consultative body that ensures dialogue between UEMOA and the community’s major businesspeople. The meeting began on December 5 and will end on December 7. 

Some of the meeting’s goals include taking stock of the implementation of the recommendations of the last Assembly, reviewing various reports, and adopting the institution's 2024 budget. 

Also, UEMOA CCR’s chairman will assess progress made during his mandate. "As far as the three years of our mandate are concerned, several reflections and proposals have been put in place. The most emblematic is the question of SME financing, for which we have imagined financing through support from the deposit and consignment funds," declared Daouda Koulibaly, President of the UEMOA CCR.

Under his leadership, the funds allocated to the Consular Chamber increased from CFA400 million to CFA500 million, bolstering the Chamber’s impact in the region.

The ongoing meeting was opened by Rose Kaye Mivedor, Togo's Minister of Trade. On the occasion, the Togolese government representative praised the CCR-UEMOA claiming it is "a successful model which the UEMOA can be proud of" and it is "proof that the private sector is dynamic and remains the main driver of wealth creation and job promotion in our Union".

Mivedor then asked the institution to "keep striving to consolidate its achievements and…to continue working to make our national and regional businesses more resilient to rising shocks."

B2B meetings will be hosted during the ordinary session.

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