MCC: Togo more determined than ever to secure the Compact program

Economic governance
Tuesday, 18 October 2022 15:55
MCC: Togo more determined than ever to secure the Compact program

(Togo First) - After landing the Threshold program, currently underway, Togo keeps striving to secure the Compact next. The latter, let’s emphasize, is the most important support mechanism of the American Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).

Last Thursday, Oct. 13, Togo’s President, Faure Gnassingbé, met MCC’s Executive Director Alice Albright. The two parties took the opportunity to review the progress of the partnership between Togo and MCC.

According to the Togolese presidency, Albright took stock of Togo’s achievements in serval areas that contribute to governance improvement. These achievements, the same source added, “align with the evaluation indicators of the scorecard for eligibility for the Compact program of the Millennium Challenge Account.”

The MCC Compact is a large five-year grant offered to an eligible country to fund specific programs aimed at reducing poverty and stimulating economic growth. Under the Threshold Program (a smaller MCC grant), Togo is receiving CFA20 billion in support from the U.S. Department of State to implement reform projects, particularly in the ICT and land sectors.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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