Africa Plastic Technology eyes turnover of XOF123 billion over the next three years

Economic governance
Friday, 26 April 2019 16:14
Africa Plastic Technology eyes turnover of XOF123 billion over the next three years

(Togo First) - The new Africa Plastic Technology factory recently inaugurated in Tsévié (Zio prefecture) should generate a turnover of XOF123 billion over the next three years.

This was revealed by Kodjo Adédzé, minister of trade and industry, during the inauguration ceremony, on April 25.

In terms of output, the firm plans to make 65,000 tons of plastic over the period concerned with main products being PVC tubes (pressure tubes, telephonic cables sheathing, high-density polyethylene pipes for water adduction).

The installation of this infrastructure which falls under the second axis of the national development plan should generate 200 direct and 500 indirect jobs.

Séna Akoda

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