Togo: A glance at external debt

Thursday, 13 April 2023 13:04
Togo: A glance at external debt

(Togo First) - Togo's external debt amounted to CFA1,296.11 billion in 2022. According to the Ministry of Finance,  this is 38.84% of the public debt portfolio and more than a quarter (25.32%) of the national GDP. 

Multilateral creditors (Bretton Woods institutions, development banks, etc.) hold 58.6% of the country’s external debt. Right behind are commercial lenders who hold 36.8% of this debt, and the remaining 4.6% is held by bilateral creditors. 

Bilateral and commercial loans

The Kuwait Fund was Togo’s main bilateral credit last year, providing 31.51% of the bilateral loans secured by Lomé. France’s development agency, AFD, and the Abu Dhabi Fund follow, with respective shares of 26.64% and 18.32% of the loans. 

Regarding commercial loans, they amounted to CFA476.79 billion in 2022. Eximbank China Société Générale and Bank of Tokyo-MUFG provided, respectively 56.97%, 17.91%, and 13.40% of the amount, making them Togo’s top commercial lenders over the year under review. 

Exchange rate risk remains moderate

Since four-fifths (83.5%) of its outstanding public debt is denominated in CFA and euro, Togo is little exposed to fluctuations in international exchange rates. But it is not the case for its external debt portfolio which is sensitive to fluctuations in certain major currencies.

Indeed, 15.99% of the external debt portfolio is denominated in US dollars and 12.07% in yuan renminbi (CNY). The euro, which does not fluctuate against the CFA, accounts for 28.93% of external debt.

The IMF's recent SDR allocations also have no impact in terms of exchange rate risk. Indeed, "It should also be noted that all IMF SDR assistance, the outstanding amount of which represents 15.30% of the external debt, does not affect the exchange rate because of the agreement signed between the BCEAO and the State," says the Ministry of Finance. Finally, loans from the BOAD, a sub-regional multilateral institution, are denominated in CFA and represent 13.87% of the external debt.

In 2021, Togo's external debt was about CFA1,000 billion at the end of September, compared to CFA550 billion in 2017. The country's external debt rose due to its efforts to curb the Covid-19 crisis and post-Covid measures that the government launched for its economic recovery. 

Ayi Renaud Dossavi

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