Togo: Lomé Hosts WTO Regional Trade Policy Course

Wednesday, 18 October 2023 15:07
Togo: Lomé Hosts WTO Regional Trade Policy Course

(Togo First) - Togo is hosting the World Trade Organization's (WTO) Regional Trade Policy Course. The course was launched on October 16 in Lomé, the capital, by Kayi Mivedor, Togolese Minister of Trade. It will last eight weeks.

Throughout the program, officials from ministries of trade of French-speaking African countries will exchange views on the WTO’s fundamental principles. It will provide participants with technical support for the multilateral trade system, with a focus on multilateral trade agreements, services, market access conditions, and dispute settlement.

Primarily, this course will focus on the regional trade policy context, in relation to WTO agreements, and will enlighten participants on how the multilateral trading system can be strengthened, reformed, and modernized.

According to the Togolese minister of trade, Kayi Mivedor, the course will help boost Africa’s contribution to global trade; to which the continent currently contributes only about 2%.

"This is why the WTO's technical assistance and capacity-building programs on the multinational trading system are proving important for Africa," said Mivedor. She also underscored that the proper functioning of a multilateral trading system relies on knowledge and understanding of the opportunities offered by rules and regulations.

Mivedor’s peer from the Ministry of higher education, Ihou Watéba, added, for his part, that the WTO’s courses are an opportunity to acquire the skills and tools needed to venture into highly competitive markets.

Before Togo, the World Trade Organization's (WTO) Regional Trade Policy Course was hosted in Benin, Tunisia and Côte d'Ivoire,

Esaïe Edoh 

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