CNSS informs various business owners about the need to have a safety and health committee

Economic governance
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 16:52
CNSS informs various business owners about the need to have a safety and health committee

(Togo First) - In Togo, the national social security fund (CNSS) gathered on August 27, 200 local business chiefs in Lomé, for a workshop to raise their awareness regarding the creation of safety and health committee, at their firms. Themed Methods, prevention and productivity for a sustainable development, the workshop aims to inform the business owners about the need to create “this committee where issues related to the employee’s safety are discussed”.

This was revealed by Richard Kodjo Ahadji, Service Head at CNSS. For her part, Tchilabalo Pilante who represented the institution’s managing director, said the meeting’s end goal is “to bring social partners to be aware of their responsibilities towards workers in regards to safety and health”.  

Truth is, each firm has to establish a safety and health committee as stated under the Labour Code, article n°174. The latter states that all companies with at least 25 employees must have an operational safety and health committee, to properly assess risks to which their workers are exposed.

The committees should strive to improve employees’ working conditions, thus contributing to a greater, yet healthier productivity and a more sustainable development of businesses in Togo.

Established since 1973, Togo’s national social security fund exists to protect workers in the country. It is presently headed by Ingrid Awadé.

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