UMOA-Titres: Togo Repaid CFA182 Billion in H1 2022, up 39% YoY

Public Management
Wednesday, 19 July 2023 12:28
UMOA-Titres: Togo Repaid CFA182 Billion in H1 2022, up 39% YoY

(Togo First) - Over the first half of 2023, the Togolese Treasury has repaid CFA182 billion in debt, contracted via Umoa-Titres. According to data consulted by Togo First, this is 39% more than the amount repaid in H1 2022–CFA131 billion.

In detail, over the first six months of this year, lomé repaid CFA20.33 billion for Fungible Treasury Bills (BAT) and 161.39 billion FCFA for Fungible Treasury Bonds (OAT).

The previous year, the CFA131 billion repaid covered only fungible treasury bonds.

This year, Togo wants to borrow CFA574 billion from the WAEMU market. So far, it has already secured CFA430 billion, which is about 75% of its target.

Esaïe Edoh

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