Infrastructure Panorama - In the past 10 years, Togo has undertaken various projects to modernize its infrastructures, and subsequently the economy. These include the construction...
Tourism Panorama - Despite its relatively small size, Togo has great touristic assets - unique landscapes spread across the country’s five regions, globally-recognized...
Agriculture Panorama - Agriculture contributes more than 40% of Togo’s GDP and employs nearly 65% of its active population. Also, arable lands expand over 3.6 million hectares,...
Energy Panorama - Togo presently records an electrification rate of 45.7%, according to the World Bank. It is a great improvement from the 18% it recorded in 2005. The...
Telecom Panorama - Togo's telecommunications sector, serving nearly eight million consumers, has grown by around 6% per year, on average, since 2015. The performance is...
Mining Panorama - Togo’s mining sector is still very little developed. Indeed, despite the riches of its underground, the sector contributes little to the economy and...

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