Togo Gears Up for Osaka World Expo

Economic governance
jeudi, 20 mars 2025 10:18
Togo Gears Up for Osaka World Expo

(Togo First) - Togo will participate in the 2025 Osaka World Expo which begins on April 13 and ends on October 13. Ahead of the event, the Togolese Ministry of Industry and Investment, in partnership with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (CCI-Togo).

The session will provide critical information about the Expo, allowing participants to ask questions and receive practical advice. According to the committee overseeing Togo’s participation, it will be an opportunity for Togolese companies to grasp the challenges and advantages of this event while ensuring that the country is effectively represented.

The Osaka World Expo 2025, themed "Designing Future Society for Our Lives”, offers Togo a global platform to showcase its innovations, businesses, and ability to form strategic international partnerships.

This article was initially published in French by Esaïe Edoh

Edited in English by Ola Schad Akinocho


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