HAPLUCIA seeks ways to make Togolese legal systems more efficient and effective to better tackle corruption

mercredi, 15 juillet 2020 15:08
HAPLUCIA seeks ways to make Togolese legal systems more efficient and effective to better tackle corruption

(Togo First) - Last week, the Higher authority for the prevention and fight against corruption and related offenses (HAPLUCIA) met with actors engaged in the fight against corruption. The theme of the meeting was “Fighting corruption via efficient and effective legal systems.” 

The meeting, organized on the 4th African Anti-Corruption day, was opened by Pius Agbétomey, Togo’s minister of justice. 

On the occasion, participants lauded the government’s efforts to effectively implement the Maputo pan-African convention (a treaty adopted on August 5, 2006, aimed at fostering good economic and financial governance in Africa). Also, they stressed that corruption participates greatly in the worsening of Africa’s debt and its slow economic progress. 

The minister of justice then recalled reforms initiated by Togo regarding good governance saying that over the past two decades, the country has shown commitment in implementing measures suggested in anti-corruption pan-African and international texts.

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