Togo: OTR to Stop Using Physical Tax Stamps

Public services
vendredi, 10 janvier 2025 11:03
Togo: OTR to Stop Using Physical Tax Stamps

(Togo First) - Starting January 31, 2025, the Togolese Revenue Office (OTR) will stop using physical tax stamps. This decision, announced by OTR General Commissioner Philippe Kokou Tchodié, is part of a plan to digitize public services and make tax processes more efficient.

Taxpayers will now use electronic tax stamps, which can be purchased online or through the OTR’s collection windows. According to the OTR, this change will simplify administrative procedures and reduce risks related to handling physical stamps.

The move follows the recent digitization of the Motor Vehicle Tax (TVM) and is part of Togo's goal to digitize 75% of administrative procedures by 2025.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi


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